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There are many different reasons for tyre wear. Your tyres don't just get worn due to age and use, other factors including emergency braking, incorrect tyre inflation and wheel alignment, and poor road surfacing can easily damage a tyre.

To ensure that you stay safe on the road, it is important that you look after your tyres and check them regularly. We recommend that you inspect your tyres every 2 weeks to check the following:

Tyre Stopping Distance




There are three main reasons why maintaining the right tyre pressure is important. The first and most important factor is safety. Tyres that are under inflated can overheat; and over inflated tyres can lead to poor vehicle handling on the road.


The second reason is economy. Over or under inflated tyres have a decreased contact patch with the road and suffer from uneven tread wear as a result. Your tyre tread will wear more quickly due to the smaller contact patch, therefore, your tyres will need to be replaced more regularly. Vehicles with under-inflated tyres also have increased rolling resistance which means more fuel is required to maintain the same speed.



Correct tyre pressures also help to maintain optimum fuel efficiency.



When braking, your car relies on the tread on your tyres to grip the road and come to a stop in the shortest possible distance. Breaking distance increases as tyre tread wears out so it’s important that you check them regularly to ensure you still have adequate tread on your tyres. It is recommended that tyres are replaced when the tread depth reaches 3mm in order to maintain optimum braking performance.



Suffering from slow tyre pressure loss? You may think that you have a punctured tyre.
Think again - most slow tyre pressure leaks are due to a corroded wheel, which results in slow pressure loss.
You may have a corroded wheel. Our highly skilled members of staff can sort out your tyre pressure loss.
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